
Blog Posts

A Deep Dive into the P2P Layer of the Dencun Hardfork

14 Jun 2024

Introduction # The networking layer is the core component of any distributed blockchain or peer-to-peer (p2p) network. It is the base and the channel of any interaction across participating nodes that makes the higher-level application protocols work. Ethereum is no different in this case. Since its early beginnings in 2015, the Ethereum network has seen multiple upgrades on its multiple components, “The Merge” being perhaps, one of the most significant achievements. ...

Introducing Probelab

11 Jan 2024

The Protocol Benchmarking & Optimization Team (ProbeLab) is on a mission to measure the performance of Web3.0 network protocols, benchmark protocols against target performance milestones and propose improvements to their core design principles. We focus on understanding the mechanics of internal network protocols, as well as how they interact with other parts of the system. Our expertise lies in network-layer protocols, and we are particularly active in the IPFS and Filecoin space, though our work is not limited to that. ...