Week 2024-42

Ethereum discv5 weekly report 2024-42 #

The following results show measurement data that were collected in calendar week 42 of 2024 from 2024-10-14 to 2024-10-21.

Our methodology is available here. Note we are only able to display information about dialable nodes, hence nodes operating behind a NAT aren’t accounted for, even though they may be connected.

Agents #

Agent Distribution #

This bar chart represents the distribution of various user agents within the Ethereum discv5 DHT. Each bar corresponds to a different user agent or client type and indicates its relative prevalence within the network for the given reporting period. The chart provides a snapshot of how different Ethereum clients are being utilized in the network’s decentralized infrastructure.

This stacked plot shows the distribution of various user agents over time.

This chart presents the version distribution for all major user agents, with each bar representing the average number of online peers over the course of a week.

This stacked chart illustrates how the distribution of agent versions for all key user agents evolves over time. It offers insights into the uptake of newer versions among these agents.

Protocols #

This plot illustrates the evolving count of nodes supporting each of the listed protocols over time for the different user agents. The identification of supported protocols relies on the libp2p identify protocol.

Geolocation #

Geographical data is sourced from the MaxMind database, which maps IP addresses to corresponding countries.

This bar plot illustrates the distribution of observed beacon nodes across different countries.

This bar plot illustrates the distribution of observed beacon nodes across different countries, broken down for each major user agent.

This plot displays the weekly geographical distribution of beacon nodes, categorized by country.

This plot displays the weekly geographical distribution categorized by country, for each major user agent.

Cloud Providers #

Cloud providers data is sourced from Udger, which maps IP addresses to known hosting providers.

Cloud Hosting Rate #

This line chart displays the count of beacon nodes within the Ethereum discv5 network that are hosted on known commercial cloud providers, compared to those that are not. It tracks the distribution over a specified period, offering insights into the infrastructure preferences for node hosting.

Regular analysis of this chart can reveal trends in the adoption of cloud services for beacon nodes. Such information is crucial for understanding the network’s resilience and the potential reliance on cloud infrastructure.

This line chart illustrates the number of beacon nodes within the Ethereum discv5 network, hosted by recognized commercial cloud providers, broken down by each major user agent. It provides a user agent-specific view, mirroring the approach of the previously mentioned analysis, to highlight hosting preferences across different user agents.

This bar chart presents the weekly distribution of Ethereum beacon nodes among various cloud providers, including nodes not hosted within data centers (grouped under Non-Datacenter).

This bar chart showcases the weekly distribution of Ethereum beacon nodes across different cloud providers, broken down for each major user agent.

The line chart illustrates the trends in the distribution of all Ethereum beacon nodes across cloud providers over the given time period. Note that nodes hosted outside of data centers are not included in this representation.

The line chart illustrates the trends in the distribution of Ethereum beacon nodes by agent across cloud providers over the given time period. Note that nodes hosted outside of data centers are not included in this representation.

Stale Node Records #

All discv5 peers #

This stacked plot depicts the count of node records stored within each node’s routing table and made accessible through the DHT. These node records serve as a mechanism through which nodes discover new remote nodes in the network.

Ensuring the reachability of referenced nodes shared within the network holds paramount importance. The plot delineates the occurrences of reachable and non-reachable (stale) node records. Note that nodes running behind a NAT are counted as unreachable even though they may be online.

For instance, if a node’s record is present in the routing tables of 100 other nodes and the node is reachable, the plot will reflect an increase of 100 in the online category.

This plot displays data about all nodes participating in discv5 and isn’t limited to Ethereum mainnet nodes.

Ethereum mainnet #

This plot is similar to the above but only displays the number of Ethereum mainnet (Deneb) records found in the routing table of other Ethereum mainnet (Deneb) nodes.