Week 2025-10 day 02

Ethereum report for GossipSub’s Control Messages 2025-10 day 02 #

The following results show measurement data that were collected in calendar week 10 day 02 of 2025 (2025-03-04).

This report provides charts for several metrics for all of Gossipsub’s topics on the Ethereum network. The report focuses primarily at the Control Messages that GossipSub exchanges with other peers in the network. We’ve produced these reports in collaboration with the Ethereum Foundation using out tool Hermes.

Sent and Received Control Messages #

The following chart shows the number of Control Messages received by GossipSub over 5 minutes intervals. The plot breaks down the number of IHAVE, IWANT, and IDONTWANT messages included in RPCs.

Some implementations, such as go-libp2p-pubsub, aggregate multiple messages within a single RPC to optimize communication. This chart counts the unique messages within RPCs rather than individual RPC transmissions.

Note: IHAVE messages still include multiple topics within a single Control Message.

Sent and Received Message IDs in Control RPCs #

The following chart visualizes the number of Message IDs sent and received within each type of Control Message, aggregated over 5 minutes intervals.

Per-Topic Sent and Received Message IDs in Control RPCs #

This chart extends the previous visualization by breaking down sent and received Message IDs per topic, aggregated over 5 minutes intervals.